Cortes Island Trade Directory
Find local businesses and tradespeople -- site maintained by Cortes Housing Society
Cortes Housing Society publishes an online Trades Directory as a reference source for the public. The tradespeople listed in this directory are engaged independently and, as such, are entirely responsible for their own professional activity. CHS does not represent or warrant to any person the degree of skill, the quality of care, or quality of services that may be provided. In no event shall CHS be liable for any decision made or action taken by members of the directory.
CHS has no control over the services provided by any independent individual(s) listed in this directory, and disclaims any and all liability for any loss or injury caused by any such independent individual(s) listed in this directory.
Cortes Island Trade Directory
Lane 8 Delivery
Individual & Business Delivery
Lane 8 delivers from Campbell River to Cortes and return.
Rates start at $20.00 plus tax for the first 30 Lbs per pickup.
Call for a quote for larger freight.
Deliveries to and pick-ups in Campbell River–Tues, Thurs
Deliveries following days on Cortes– Wed, Fri.
Same-day delivery is available upon request at an extra cost.
Lane 8 Delivery