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Rites of Spirit – Massage & Integrative Wellness
Lisa Day, with Rites of Spirit, practices a multidisciplinary approach to manual therapy drawing upon teachings from an ongoing myofascial training with Tom Myers. Applying and integrating a varied modality spectrum - Trigger Point Therapy, Acupressure, Advanced Orthopedic Massage, Reflexology and Kinesiology. An intuitive foundation which has evolved from many years of practice enables great precision and depth, liberating a newly restored freedom of movement and alignment within proper structure. Connecting the right posture and coordinating the mind and Chi with principles of Qigong is another focused modality.
Rites of Spirit – Contact
Contact: Lisa Day
Phone: 604-906-1696
Email: lisa@ritesofspirit.com
Website: www.ritesofspirit.com
Address: 800 Sutil Point Road
Mansons Landing, Cortes Island
Next to the Food Co-op