Report impaired driving. “Call 911″ is a Canada-wide campaign to encourage and empower the Canadian public to report suspected impaired driving by calling 911. Impaired driving is the #1 cause of criminal death in Canada and, yet, every impaired driving crash is preventable. By calling 911 and reporting suspected impaired drivers to police, all Canadians can play a role in keeping our roads safe and in reducing impaired driving crashes, deaths, and injuries.
I am reaching out to you regarding a boat safety sign program – see pictures attached. The goal of the sign program is to remind the public that impaired boating is impaired driving. We want to keep our waterways safe for all.
With alcohol being a factor in almost 40% of recreational boating fatalities, there is a great need to educate boaters about the dangers of operating their vessels while impaired. Thirty-seven per cent of boaters in Canada admit to consuming alcohol every time they boat, and nearly two-thirds admit to consuming alcohol sometimes when boating.
Alcohol consumption affects judgment, reduces motor skills and balance, and slows reaction times, and the effects of sun and waves can heighten those effects. This is why these boating signs are a positive reminder to boat safe and sober.
Signs are available in a variety of sizes and MADD Canada will include your logo, as well as the logo of your local enforcement agency/911 call centre.
Would you be interested in having these signs up? There is no cost to you – MADD Canada covers all costs.
If you have any questions at all, please let me know.
Thank you,
Tracy Crawford
MADD Canada
Regional Manager – Western Canada
PO Box 78043 RPO Northside
Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 7G8
T: 604 552 9273 or 1 877 676 6233
Supporting victims and survivors of impaired driving is our #1 priority. Learn more about the services and support we offer.
L’aide aux victimes et aux survivants de la conduite avec les capacités affaiblies est notre priorité centrale. Cliquez ici pour en savoir davantage sur les services et les soutiens que nous offrons.