Get Biologist Steve Mooney’s Perspective
On Tuesday, November 20 the new Cortes Island Garden Club presents Biologist Steve Mooney at Mansons Hall from 7 – 9 pm. The talk is free for all garden club members and $3 for guests.
Nothing can strike fear in the hearts of gardeners like doing battle with “invasive plants.” Even the most confident gardeners cringe at the sight of those uninvited plants that pop up and run amok in our gardens.
But is there another perspective? Campbell River biologist Steve Mooney says yes!
With his own inimitable style, Steve will present his unorthodox and entertaining perspective on invasive plants, where and why they show up and what we should & should not do about them.
Steve combines his signature brand of wry humour and ecological science to deliver an edgy, well-documented perspective on the true nature of invasive plants.
Learn what plants are labelled invasive and what we might be doing that invites them. Consider the possible role that herbicide companies and their products such as glyphosate (Round-up) play in the growing hysteria.
A quick internet search on invasive plants leads to the Invasive Species Council of BC. On this site is a very long list of “invasive” plants, many of which are also considered old world garden butterfly attractors such as Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii) and traditional medicinal herbs like Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) and Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum).
Perhaps the battle lines in this war on “invasive species” may not be as clearly drawn as we would hope. One woman’s medicine is another woman’s weed.
Not long ago every self-respecting homeowner was spraying their lawn with poisons to kill dandelions.
Now we are taught to leave those yellow flowers for the bees, who need them for food.
We’re also told to eat the green bits ourselves, as an early spring tonic that promotes liver health. And don’t even think about getting rid of those roots!
Harvest dandelion roots sustainably and you’ll have a steady supply for roasting them and grinding them into a powder that tastes something like coffee. Your liver and your wallet will thank you.
About Our Garden Club
Cortes Island Garden Club is a super-friendly bunch of gardeners who delight in sharing our love of plants, gardens and gardening. We welcome newcomers. We usually meet at Mansons Hall on the second Tuesday of each month (except on holidays) at 7:00 p.m. The cost to join is only $7 per individual or $10.00 per family. For more info about our garden club activities, please contact Lu Schanfarber 285-2213 email: lucretia@xplornet.com.
Also, please join us on Facebook to meet other gardeners, share great gardening tips & post photos of your garden.